Would you like to start an exercise routine but are put off by the prices of exercise equipment. Yes, some home gym equipment can set you back several hundred dollars, however not all are this price. If you would like to look at some more affordable exercise machines, then check out this article on the best home exercise equipment for small spaces.
However, in this article I will be looking at some ideas that will allow you to start a fitness routine, in a small home, for cheap to zero costs. I will not only take into consideration the cost of each exercise routine but also how much space will be needed to perform the routine.
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Resistance Bands –
Resistance band sets should cost no more than $20 and can provide a full body workout, in the comfort of your own home. These bands are great for strengthening and toning muscles.
They come in a set of various strengths, meaning you can gradually work your way up through the resistance bands, developing strength and shaping your body. Resistance bands are very small and can be stored away in minimal space.
Cost $20.
Body Weight Exercises –
The cheapest workout routine you can get is by using your own body weight. The tried and trusted exercises like push-ups, lunges, body weight squats and crunches can be very challenging and are a great way to get started on your fitness journey.
Very little space is needed to perform body weight exercises, therefore you can do them anywhere in your home. The routine can be made easier or more difficult by adjusting the exercises.
For example, a box push-up is a good starting point, if a full push-up is too challenging. Before you know it, you will be placing your feet on a chair while doing a push-up, to make it more challenging.
Cost $0.
Pull-up Bars –
This piece of equipment is for the more advanced exerciser and will probably be too challenging for the beginner.
There are specially designed pull-up bars that can be lodged in between a door frame. They are quite solid, however they do have a weight limit. Pull-up bars are fantastic for developing back and bicep muscles.
This exercise equipment will have zero footprint and will only take up space near the top of the door frame.
Cost $30-40.
Hula Hoops –
When was the last time you hula hooped? Many see the hula hoop as an old childhood toy, however hula hoops can also help you get fit and healthy as an adult.
They are not only cheap but also very easy to store away. You can also get weighted hula hoops to make it more challenging, however the regular lightweight hoops will work also.
Hula hoops are not only fun to use but they will also burn calories and increase cardiovascular fitness. A 30 minute session of hula hooping will burn up to 200 calories.
Cost $10-30.
Mini Trampolines –
Just like the hula hoop above, many people associate trampolining as a just a children’s activity. That is certainly not the case. Many adults use trampolining to get fit, tone muscles and lose weight. Trampolining is a fun way to exercise and is very low impact, meaning it is great for all age groups and preventing joint injuries.
Mini trampolines are not only small enough to use at home but also many have a folding feature, making them ideal for small spaces and easy storage.
I reviewed my top 10 mini trampolines in this article. Some of the top mini trampolines are not budget friendly, however this mini trampoline is a good seller and at a reasonable price.
Cost $50-60.
Skipping –
A basic exercise but still a great one. Skipping is and has been an excellent way to get fit, burn calories and keep in shape. Sporting athletes such as boxers use a skipping rope as a tool to not only keep fit but also to stay light and agile on their feet.
Skipping is a skill to be developed, however once mastered, it is a budget friendly and fun way to keep fit. Skipping does not require a lot of space but does require high ceilings if done indoors.
Cost $10-15.
Fitness Balls –
Another cheap way to get a full body workout with the aid of a fitness ball. An exercise ball is an accessory to help you tone and strengthen all the major muscles in your body.
These exercise balls are inexpensive and are great for developing core strength. One of the cheapest ways to help you get in a good workout.
Cost $10.
Dance and Aerobic Classes –
Dancing is a great way of getting fit and losing some pounds. By having your own private dance or aerobics class in your living room, you will lose weight and get fit in no time.
Of course, you don’t need to pay for these classes. Just search for some Aerobics, Latin, Zumba or Hip Hop classes on YouTube and you will have plenty of challenging and fun classes to help you build up a sweat.
Cost $0.
Fitness Video Games –
If you have kids and they have a game console, why not take advantage of the console and use it to get fit.
There are several fitness and dance games available for PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Wii to choose from and they are a lot of fun. Once again, minimal space is needed and some games are as cheap as $10.
Cost $10-60.
House Work –
Not the most fun and exciting choice of exercise routines but it can be effective. By blasting your favorite songs to sing and dance along to, you can spruce up your house work and make a tedious task more enjoyable.
Cleaning windows, vacuuming or mopping the floor, all with a spring in your step can burn calories and fat. Of course the other benefit is your home will be spotless.
Cost $0.

Getting Fit on a Budget
As you can see, activity is the best way to lose weight and get fit.
I hope that this article helped you decide how to keep active and exercise, without spending a lot of money.
It is possible to do all of these activities in a small space and in the privacy of your own home.
If you have a larger budget, then you may like to check out these folding treadmill reviews. Another affordable option would be one of these compact exercise bikes.